How to Perform the FoCUS Exam, Studio and Live

This is such an important topic you just can’t spend enough time with it.  Don’t be intimidated by the long list, though.  I used to do the entire “How-to” lecture in one big bolus, but I think it’s better to break it up into something more digestible.  And the two “live” lectures were recorded several years ago so I will use different language to describe probe motions.  

FoCUS How-To, Intro (12 min)

FoCUS How-to, Parasternal Long Axis (20 min)

FoCUS How-to, Parasternal Short Axis (10 min)

FoCUS How-to, Apical 4 Chamber (18 min)

FoCUS How-to, Subcostal 4 Chamber (10 min)

FoCUS How-to, Subcostal IVC Long Axis (20 min)

FoCUS How-To, Old Live (25 min)

FoCUS How-to Live, for IARS (23 min)

FoCUS How-to, Older Talks – Not required!