Selection of Recent Live Lectures

I can absolutely, positively tell you that attending our weekly lectures live is the best plan. It’s more engaging and you have the opportunity to interact with me and my team live in the chat and the QA. You can raise questions, make comments, and receive feedback. It’s way more fun! But. I recognize that not everyone can always be there (but you should be there!) so I’ll be posting our recent lectures here and refreshing them as often as I can. But they won’t stay around forever, so hop to it!

10/24/24 – Basics of RV Imaging, Dr. Hill

10/17/24 – Thoracic Aorta, Dr. Harig

10/10/24 – Aortic Insufficiency, Dr. Montzingo

10/03/2024 – Discordant Aortic Stenosis, Dr. Morrissey

9/05/2024 – Comprehensive TEE, Dr. Morrissey

8/29/2024 – Basic Doppler Ultrasound, Dr. Dorsey

8/22/2024 – Basic Surface Cardiac Imaging, Dr. Bledsoe

8/8/2024 – Global LV Systolic Function, Dr. Griffee