Mongolian Echocardiography Collaboration

The University of Utah Department of Anesthesiology is delighted to partner with The First Hospital of Mongolia to offer this educational material! The video content has been provided by expert anesthesiology echocardiographers from Utah, with interpretation provided by Dr. Batbold.


Cardiac Anatomy for the New Echocardiographer

  • We all know lots of cardiac anatomy, but there is always more to learn.  Before you begin the journey that will lead you to echocardiographic excellence, take a few minutes to review the basics of cardiac anatomy.

TEE – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

  • Got your attention?  This talk will give an overview of indications, contraindications, and complications of TEE as well as tips on probe placement in the awake and anesthetized patient.

You Put the Probe Where?! TEE Safety

  • If you think this topic is boring, think again!  Watch this talk from Dr. Gnadinger and avoid the dreaded ‘echo probe winds up in the surgical field’ syndrome.  This is a more detailed discussion of the risks of TEE as well as a discussion of probe cleaning and maintenance.  Important stuff!

Basic TEE

  • This covers what we’ll call the “University of Utah Basic TEE Exam”, which is a focused perioperative evaluation designed to answer basic questions about valvular function, ventricular function, and to identify causes of hemodynamic instability.  This is nice introduction to normal TEE anatomy and includes both a live recording and a studio version.  (Test your knowledge here!)

Comprehensive TEE Exam

  • This lecture will review the views from the ASE’s guideline on performing a comprehensive TEE that are not included in the basic exam.  Some of these will certainly come up in later lectures and in your clinical practice (and some may not, and there are some that they didn’t include that I wish they had.  Oh well!)

Basic TTE – How

  • This talk serves as a review of the basic transthoracic images (both performance and interpretation) that are most important to the perioperative physician.  Another set of both live and studio versions. (Test your knowledge here!)

How-To TTE Live Version

  • OK, this is a preliminary version but I’m excited about the possibilities here!  What you’ll see is me performing and describing a limited TTE exam in real time, with a screen showing probe position on the patient as well as the live image.

Basic Doppler Ultrasound

  • Dr. Jen Decou provides an excellent introduction to Doppler ultrasound concepts.  This is not a comprehensive review of ultrasound physics (that comes later) but rather a basic nuts and bolts overview.  (Test your knowledge here!

Echo to the Rescue, Now We’re Talkin’!  – Part I, Volume and Afterload

  • Now this is more like it!  I’ve made a giant rescue echo talk, almost 120 slides, but to avoid echo overload I’ll break it down into four bite-sized pieces.  This first round is an introduction to the concept as well as a discussion of hypovolemia and low afterload.

Even More Rescue Echo, Part II – Dynamic Obstruction and Pulmonary Embolism

  • Ready for more?  This lecture will highlight evaluation of dynamic obstruction and PE.  When should you consider these diagnoses?  Every time you image!

Rescue Echo, Gotta Love It! – Part III, Tamponade and Ventricular Failure

  • Three meaty topics to be sure.  Is LV failure the cause or the result of hemodynamic instability?  Isn’t the RV just a passive conduit?  The answers are here!

Rescue Echo, Can’t Get Enough! – Part IV, Valve Disease, PTX, Arrhythmia

  • Stay with me!  This is the home stretch for rescue echo and includes some super important concepts.  If you’re not looking at the lungs, are you really doing a complete rescue study?  Hmm.  And what’s this talk about pseudo-PEA?

Global LV Function

  • Dr. Amber Bledsoe introduces the evaluation of global left ventricular function, focused primarily on transesophageal imaging, including 2D, 3D, and Doppler.  (Test your knowledge here!)

LV Ischemia

  • In this talk Dr. Michelle Curtis will review myocardial ischemia and LV regional wall motion.

Basic Aortic Valve Anatomy and Assessment

  • Dr. Montzingo introduces us to the anatomy of the aortic valve and the best views from which to assess it.  These are the basics, you can never review them too much.

Aortic Stenosis

  • Dr. Heath reviews evaluation and quantificaiton of AS, one of the most common cardiovascular diseases we’ll encounter.  This is our bread and butter!  (Test your knowledge here!)

Aortic Insufficiency

  • Another excellent lecture by Dr. Bledsoe, need I say more?  OK, fine, this one’s about evaluation of aortic insufficiency.  Happy now?  Just watch it.  (Test your knowledge here!)

Anatomy of the Mitral Apparatus

  • Every year I seem to put in more mitral valve talks, and now I’ve decided we need a separate lecture just about the anatomy of this fantastically complex system before we delve into the echo assessment.  So sue me!

Basic Mitral Valve Anatomy, Intro to 2D

  • This excellent lecture by Dr. Georges Desjardins will review the complex anatomy of the mitral valve and introduce 2D imaging.

Mitral Regurgitation

  • Dr. Birgenheier reviews for us basic concepts of valvular regurgitation, and applies them the the mitral valve in this two part lecture.  This is a very high-yield topic, and should be reviewed frequently.  (Test your knowledge here!)

Mitral Stenosis

Tricuspid and Pulmonic Valves

  • A lot to cover in one lecture, but in this talk we’ll discuss tricuspid and pulmonic imaging and will make a few comments on quantification of these forgotten valves.

Right Ventricular Function

  • The critical concepts of right ventricular structure and function are reviewed in these two exceptional talks by Drs. Silverton and Bledsoe, enjoy!

Echo in Pulmonary HTN / RV Failure

  • Fantastic lecture by Dr. Matthew Griffee on echo assessment of the struggling right ventricle.

Perioperative Echo in Endocarditis

  • Who doesn’t love looking at echo images of endocarditis?  Dr. Pelegrin’s lecture will be full of them!  (Test your knowledge here!)