Basic TEE Exam Lectures

The University of Utah Basic TEE Exam

These lectures are an introduction to our Basic TEE Exam.  We think it’s valuable to have a consistent approach, and to start every exam looking at every structure before focusing in on particular areas of abnormality.  The first two talks are a studio and a live version of my review of the basic exam, where I describe the basic images and anatomy. Start there.  The third lecture is a little different, it’s a walk through the basic exam using the Heartworks ultrasound simulator.  The thire talk is intended to help you begin developing a more 3-dimensional mental model of the heart in your mind.  I hope you enjoy them!  If you think you know this stuff cold, see if you can answer all the questions here.  If you need to refresh your anatomy take a few minutes to watch the Basic Anatomy for the Echocardiographer lecture. And if you’d like a reminder of the components of the basic exam, you can print this off, laminate it, and carry it around with you.

The University of Utah Basic TEE Exam Lecture (Studio)

The University of Utah Basic TEE Exam Lecture (Live)

Heartworks Basic Exam Lecture